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Timothy Mitchell

One Day at a Time

Yesterday, I was at the gym, and for a moment, I felt discouraged. I've been going to the gym now for a straight year, increasing my intervals of time on equipment, adding additional workouts to my regiment, and trying to refine my diet. Yes, the last one has been the hardest. Can I get a witness?

As I was walking down from the Stairmaster as my expectations birthed disappointment, I couldn't sulk long. God spoke to me amid sweat, trembling knees, and a racing heartbeat, and He said, "One day at a time!"

First of all, it said to me that I was on the right path. Secondly, it told me I needed to lay in the arms of patience and let it finish the work that had been started in me. Thirdly, it made me recognize that there is more progress than I realized, and God didn't want me to lie in the lake of disappointment, baptizing myself in self-pity while life passed me by.

Lynda Randle sings a song, and part of the lyrics say, "God help me today, show me the way, one day at a time."

When pursuing my bachelor's degree, I wasn't going to school with the expectation of graduating. Now, before you judge me, hear me out. I was doing all the work wholeheartedly, completing assignments, grabbing coffee and spending time at the library, connecting with study groups, getting suggestions from professors, and reading all the material assigned. Suddenly, I was in my last semester and could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I must be honest. I didn't think that I could do it. But, I wonder if my thinking involved looking at the big picture too long. The big picture and destination seemed too great to grasp, but I kept showing up.

You should say to yourself, one day at a time. Lord, guide me on this day. Show me what I need to see for this day, and I will let tomorrow take care of itself.

When I thought about what God spoke to me, it made me see my real-time growth. Some of you must take a moment, look over your shoulder, and embrace how far you have come. I'm not the same individual as I was when I first started working out. I'm changing for the better, and although I may not see the light at the end of the tunnel, if I can stay the course by faith, I'll be victorious.

You may be asking yourself, "What am I doing here? Why am I here? What have I accomplished?" Be not weary in well doing for in due season you will reap if you faint not.

I'm your spiritual coach for the minuscule amount of time you are reading this blog. Get back out there and keep fighting by faith. Keep going to class by faith. Keep going to marriage counseling by faith. Continue leading that department by faith. Keep doing the hard things, and don't settle for easy. Remember, you'll suddenly be at the finish line. One day at a time.

My children are all teenagers and growing faster than I anticipated. I can remember holding my baby girl with one arm. I can remember chasing my sons through the obstacle course at the park. This morning, before I left the house, I went into everyone's room and said bye, see you later, and love you! The voices that responded to me were different from ten years ago. I ask myself, "How did they grow up so fast?" The answer is simple, they grew up slowly. It took one day at a time.

You will look around, and that business you started as a single proprietor will have grown to several locations with hundreds of employees. That family you started with just you and your husband will turn into a house, three kids, and a dog.

You get the message. Hang in there! The steps of a good man or woman or ordered by the Lord. Rest in God's hands and trust that He has secured and locked down your success.

Pastor Tim

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