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Timothy Mitchell

Groundbreaking Acts

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

Yesterday we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I often reflect on how powerfully Jesus modeled sacrifice for us.

During Jesus's time of accusation, betrayal, denial, and mockery, Jesus never lost focus on the goal and destination. All that He suffered, experienced, and fought through was for the culmination of one groundbreaking act, salvation for mankind.

You will have some groundbreaking acts that will be once and for all, but only if you are able to endure at the level that Jesus endured.

This groundbreaking act may be you becoming the first millionaire in your family, the first to stay married for more than five years (listen, that can be a significant accomplishment), the first to go to college, the first to put all of your children through college without a loan, or the first to truly deeply serve Jesus Christ wholeheartedly in a world filled with endless temptations.

Jesus has modeled groundbreaking acts that shake the foundation of the earth so that we can do it in our own lives.

Ultimately, Jesus died, was buried, and was raised from the dead by the power of His Father so that we could have life more abundantly. In addition, His remarkable example builds confidence in each one of us to carry our own crosses and follow Him.

Jesus in John 21 tells Peter to follow Him, but Peter is concerned because John was trailing them. Peter was losing connection to Christ because he was focused on who was behind him. Jesus says to Peter, noticing that he was more focused on John than he was on following Him, and says to Peter, "Follow me!" Basically, he was saying to Peter don't worry about anyone else's destination, just follow me.

Your success, your strive, and your stability depend on your ability to follow Jesus.

Jesus is saying to all of us, "If I have the ability to commit acts that change the trajectory of this world, you can too!", as greater works will we do.

Go break some fallow ground, plant some seeds, water it, and remember that God will grant the increase!

Practically speaking, you may be asking, "How do I follow Christ?" You follow Christ by reflecting His image in your life, memorizing and meditating on scripture, carving out time for daily prayer, sharing what you've learned with a loved one, and bringing your body under subjection to God's will for your life. Following Christ has heavy undertones of sacrifice. I'm saying it will be challenging, but God will change you from the inside out if you just stay close to Him. Love you fam!

Pastor Tim

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